Real estate price m² Saint-Tropez (83)

It is difficult to give an accurate estimate of property prices in Saint-Tropez, as property prices vary depending on many factors, such as location, quality of property on offer and market demand. . However, here are some elements that can give you an idea of ​​the state of the real estate market in Saint-Tropez:

  • According to data from a real estate loan search site, the average price per m² in Saint-Tropez in 2020 was €13,050.
  • According to data from the Chambre de Notaires de la Var, the average price per m² in Saint-Tropez in 2020 was €13,500.
  • According to data from the Chambre de Notaires de la Var, the average price per m² in Saint-Tropez increased by 4.5% between 2019 and 2020.

It is important to note that this data is only indicative and that real estate prices in Saint-Tropez can vary considerably depending on the neighborhoods and the types of property offered. For an accurate estimate of real estate prices in Saint-Tropez, it may be recommended to contact a local real estate professional.

The average property price in Saint-Tropez, France depends on several factors such as the size, location, quality and age of the building, as well as the amenities and features offered. In general, properties in Saint-Tropez can be quite expensive, due to the high demand for what is considered one of France's most prestigious resort destinations.

On average, apartment prices in Saint-Tropez can start from 400,000 to 500,000 euros, while house prices can start from 1 million euros or more.

The highest prices are generally seen for luxury properties and villas with sea views.

It is important to use a local real estate expert to obtain more precise information on average real estate prices in Saint-Tropez and to assess the costs associated with purchasing a property in this region.

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